This information was put together in the hope of giving our UMPIRES some helpful guidelines. If there is something you need or would like to know that is not included here, please do not hesitate to contact our Umpires Coordinator for assistance.
Communication & Reference Guide
o Website
o “Off The Bat” – Our News Letter
Responsibilities of the Umpire
o Before The Season Starts
o Kids play baseball so they can;
o Therefore your responsibilities are to
Umpires Coordinator
Other Information
o The Rules Summary
o The Result Sheet
o Players & Parents Code of Conduct
o Umpires Code of Conduct
This is our main communication tool, please get into the habit of logging on and looking around and please encourage your team also. Every document and form used by the club can be found here. All information will be made available here as it comes to hand. We ask that the managers remind players and parents to log on and have a look as there is some great information to be found which can really be a help to parents, players, coaches & managers. There are also links to other baseball related sites that are well worth exploring.
From time to time we produce a news bulletin of what’s happening within Seasiders and Manly Warringah Baseball. When a publication is due Managers will be informed and hard copies displayed at the canteen. The most popular way to read the latest news is on the website. The bulletin along with all current dates, Coaching/Umpiring clinics, canteen rosters, future events, team news, gala days, representative player information, photos etc.
Anyone thinking of Umpiring during the season whether their own child’s games or other game should enrol in a level 0 course or a workshop approved by the Manly Warringah Baseball Umpires and MUST complete an Umpires Code of Conduct Form which can be found on our website under “RESOURCES”. If time is an issue then an awareness session should be undertaken at the very least. All Umpires MUST also complete the Child Protection Registration.
Kids play baseball/T ball so they can;
Have fun
Make friends
Learn new skills
Increase their confidence
Be challenged
Be actively involved and successful
Therefore your responsibilities are to;
Provide a safe environment
Foster positive relationships and respect between the players, coaches and the spectators, between your players and your opponents. In other words “GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP”
Make sure children are evaluated for injury, if necessary
Ensure your decisions are fair and equal to both teams.
As well as
Ensure children wear the safety equipment as stated within the rules.
If there is anything you do not understand or need clarification about please feel free to give our umpire’s coordinator Gordon Blinkhorne, a call. Gordon has a long standing within the game and will endeavour to help however he can.
Tel: 0412 146 899
We also have affiliation with the Manly Warringah Baseball Umpires, and would suggest that if you have any problems or questions regarding Umpiring you contact this group they have a large amount of knowledge and may even be able to help with umpiring duties if you run out of options.
Baseball Terms
Code of Conducts
Child Protection Form
Diamond Sizes
JF Diamond setup Procedure
Hot Weather Procedure
MSBC Pitch Count
MSBC Umpires Handbook
MSBC Managers Handbook
MSBC Coaches Handbook
Registration Forms
Result Sheets
Welcome to Seasiders Booklet
Accident/Incident Report Form
Line Marking Machine Manual
T Ball Terms
Wet Weather Procedure
Scoring Handbook
Competition Info
MWDBA JL Club Competition
NSWBL Championship
Open Baseball
Minor League
Major League
Age Matrix
ABF Anti-harassment Policy
ABF Baseball Rules V6
ABF Anti-doping Policy
ABF Insurance Claim Form
ABF Insurance Policy
By-Laws (Club)
Constitution (Club)
Operations Manual
Committee Details
Image Policy
JCC Playing Rules
Meet the Committee
Zooka Game Procedure
Zooka Manual
John Fisher Local Ground Rules
Monthly minutes
AGM Minutes
EO Meeting Minutes
John Fisher
Bicentennial/Flat Rock
Rat Park
St Matthews Farm
Meritorious Awards
Hall of Fame
Honour Board
Life Members
Tom O’Connell Trophy
Peter Bemrose Coach of the Year Trophy
Paul Harradine Player of the Year
Distinguished Service Members
Our Teams
Seasiders Teams
Team Mangers & Coaches
Team Reports
Photo & News
Photo Gallery
Kit Bags
Open’s Playing Shirt
Supporters Shirts
Baseball Jackets
The Rules Summary
Every player has access to the Seasiders Website this site gives information such as;
The rules for Baseball and T Ball competitions.
A summary of the rules.
Contact information for the club and it’s committee.
Maps of the grounds and diamonds.
Result sheets.
Pitch count sheets (for baseball teams).
The Draws.
The competition ladder.
Take the time to familiarise yourself with this summary it can be very useful.
Over the years, we have found that a lot of parents yell things at the kids from the sideline that are not right and the kids get very confused. Things like “tag up, tag up”, which the little kids don’t understand and is often used inappropriately. So please read these terms and definitions and talk to the coach’s about this issue.
Each Umpire must make themselves familiar with the MWDBA JL Hot Weather Procedure.
BBNSW rule 6.1 (c) Injuries During the Game. “If any player suffers loss of consciousness during the game, that player should be immediately removed from the game. The player may not play again in a game until he/she provides their coach with a Doctor’s Certificate certifying he/she is fit to play.”
Prior to any game the Umpire will hold a plate meeting. This meeting is required as until the home team hands the umpire a line-up sheet the umpire has no control of the game. Line-up sheets are available in all teams’ kit bags and if the coach does not have one written up then the umpire is to request that one is done and the game cannot commence till one is handed to the umpire.
The Result Sheet
These must be filled in by the HOME TEAM in ALL divisions except the T Ball U8 & U7 at the end of each game. The Umpires must sign the result sheet, however the result sheet must be completed prior to signing to prevent protests etc. being added after you sign the sheet. It is good practice to place a cross-out though any blank sections including the “comments” section prior to signing.
Player & Parents Code of Conduct
Play for the “fun of it” and not just to please parents and coaches.
Abide by the Rules and respect the decision of the Official, making all appeals through the formal process and respecting the final decision.
Be a good sport. Cheer all players whether they are on your team or the other team.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of fellow players, coaches, officials and spectators.
Refrain from conduct which could be regarded as harassment towards fellow players and coaches.
Do not be aggressive. If you see acts of aggression, do not retaliate. Report such acts and do not take the Rules into your own hands.
Respect the talent, potential and development of fellow players and competitors.
Care for and respect the equipment provided to you as part of your program.
Be frank and honest with your coach concerning illness and injury and your ability to train fully within the program requirements.
At all times avoid intimate relationships with your coach.
Conduct yourself in a professional manner relating to language, temper and punctuality.
Maintain high personal behavioural standards at all times.
Be honest in your attitude and preparation to training. Work equally hard for yourself and your team.
Co-operate with coaches and staff in the development of programs to adequately prepare you for competition at the highest level.
Baseball NSW
Umpire Code of Conduct
Officiate by the competition conditions and rules and the mechanics taught in the ABF Umpire Development Program.
Verbal abuse towards players, managers, coaches, officials or fans will not be tolerated.
Control your temper – no criticism by words or gestures
Co-operate with the umpire coordinator and fellow umpires. Show respect for the participants and their skills
No drug use of any kind will be tolerated unless prescribed by a licensed physician.
Refrain from profanity at all times.
Be polite to all participants.
The use of any form of tobacco or alcohol of any description on the field, or while in uniform, is banned.
No use of tobacco products on or around the baseball venue.
No eating on the baseball field and drinking shall be limited to water and other soft drink.
Wear the ABF official umpire shirt grey pants, navy cap and black shoes with black socks.
Arrive at the ground no later than 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of the game.
The use of alcohol of any description while in the presence or vicinity of under age players is banned.
Notify the Umpire Coordinator as soon as practical if you have an ejection from the game.
Ensure that your protection equipment is in good order and condition and is fitted correctly.
Strict observance and implementation of the Infectious Diseases Policy.
I ______________________________________ (Print Name) have read the Umpire Code of Conduct fully and understand and accept the responsibilities and conditions disclosed.
I will, to the best of my ability, abide by the Umpire Code of Conduct during all Baseball NSW endorsed events.
Signature: _____________________________________
Date: _____________________________________