​Our baseball club is proud to have a dedicated team of committee members who volunteer their time to serve our club. These volunteers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the club and are committed to helping our teams achieve success. Our committee members work hard to provide the highest quality of service to our players and families and are always willing to lend a helping hand. We always welcome new volunteers to help with the smooth running of the club if you would like to help please send an email to Steph at
Roles & responsibilities
The following information is a guide to the roles and responsibilities of our committee and volunteers. To contact any of our volunteers, please send an email to Steph at
Club President
Is responsible for the running of the Club and its day to day operation.
Has the right to attend all meetings.
Shall chair the monthly Committee Meeting.
Ensure the registrations days are held in time for the start of the season.
Ensure that an orientation day is held.
Confirm the team placements.
Confirm the Coaches’ appointments.
Ensure all committee members carry out their role.
Chair and conduct the Annual General meeting and election of Office Bearers, in accordance with the rules of debate and the constitution.
Arrange working bees as and when required in conjunction with the groundsmen.
Liaise through the JCC delegate with the JCC.
Liaise with local council as and when required.
Ensure the constitution is followed.
Ensure all protests / complaints are followed through.
Prepare reports for sponsors and newsletters.
Arrange request letters for sponsorship.
Maintain a complete record of all accounts.
Produce a monthly report to the committee.
Ensure annual returns are filled with the relevant statuary bodies.
Keep records of all cheque requisitions and receipts
Vice president live ball
Stand in for the President in their absence.
Carry out general committee work.
Carry out requests of the President.
Shall advise the Secretary on the numbers and names medals/trophies at the end of the season for all MSBC LiveBall teams accordance with the decisions of the committee. Enlist any assistance and support for this duty as required.
Coordinate the LiveBall and Zooka teams in the operations of the team management.
Help arrange gala days and the attendance of our teams at gala days.
Help Team Managers with training of scorers, umpires.
Organise training sessions for both scorers and umpires and any other groups that may be necessary.
Vice president opens
Assist in the placement of junior players into senior teams as required.
Carry out general committee work.
Carry out requests of the President.
Shall advise the Secretary on the numbers and names medals/trophies at the end of the season in accordance with the decisions of the committee. Enlist any assistance and support for this duty as required.
Coordinate the Open teams in the operations of the team management.
Help Team Managers with training of scorers, umpires.
Organise training sessions for both scorers and umpires and any other groups that may be necessary.
Look after equipment requests.
Report to the committee on the open team’s progression.
Try to recruit open players as coaches/advisers to the junior teams.
Canteen Co-ordinator
Stand in for the President in their absence.
Arrange for the canteen to be stock-tested at the start of the season.
Arrange for any maintenance to be carried out prior to the season.
Ensure the canteen is clean and ready for the season.
Produce a proposed menu and forward it to the committee for approval.
Ensure there is adequate food, lollies, drinks, ice creams, etc. for game and special event days.
Ensure the BBQ is set up and preheated prior to any event were the hot foods are required.
Ensure the cheapest prices are sourced prior to any purchase.
Ensure and arrange for adequate LPG bottles are available to run the BBQ.
Complete a weekly reconciliation form and forward to the Treasurer.
Allow access of power for the “coffee person” if in attendance.
Ensure no-one under the age of 14 is allowed within the canteen when operating.
Forward all monies to the Treasurer. A $100 float is to be maintained to allow the purchase of food, etc.
Ensure that sponsors banners are placed at the start of every Saturday and packed away at the conclusion of the days play.
Gear Steward
Prior to the start of the season carry out a stock-test on the equipment and produce a list of equipment that is required. This list is to be sent to the President for purchase.
Ensure that kits are stocked with the equipment required for the particular Division.
Arrange for the coaches to pick up the kits once coach selection has been completed.
Ensure that each team has 12 game balls and 24 practise balls in each kit. Additional balls can be handed out if required.
At the end of the season collect all kit bags.
At the end of the season carryout a stock-test on the equipment and register any items that need replacement on Form 3.1
Contact all team managers during March to outline an appropriate procedure of uniform collection. N.B. Emphasize the Team Managers are responsible for the collection of uniforms.
Arrange delivery or pickup of team uniforms.
Check all uniforms for cleanliness, and lauder prior to storage.
Complete a stocktake of all sizes, after damaged or unusable uniforms are returned.
Store uniforms neatly in boxes according to type and size, correctly labelled.
Attend Registrations and fit players (with a receipt of full payment) for their uniforms.
New registered player receive a hat free of charge.
Once players fee have been accepted a uniform can be issued.
Have an adequate quantity of hats to give every new player.
Arrange the supply of any new uniforms that are required.
Arrange a uniform day to catch-up the players that did not attend registration day.
Record names of players as they take a uniform.
At the end of the season arrange with the Managers to collect all uniforms and ensure they are clean and packed away in away that maintain the uniforms condition.
Inform the committee of any player/team that does not return their uniform.
Website administrator
Collect and collate information for the club’s web page.
Ensure all information is relevant and current.
Recommend any alterations to the website that is required.
Keep all links that appear on the web page up to date.
Maintain software security on the Web Site.
Coaches co-ordinator
Allocate coaches for all teams
Arrange training of coaches as required.
Arrange a coaches meeting prior to the start of the season
Arrange refresher training for qualified coaches
Be available for coaches to contact if questions are needed to be answered
Be the contact person between the coaches and the club
Ensure all coaches are aware how to access a copy of the rules as published by the JCC
When required contact coaches and remind them of their duty under the Code of conduct.
Child Protection Officer
Keep the committee informed on legislation changes in regard to child protection.
Collect the prohibited Employment Declaration forms.
File the Employment Declaration forms if/till they are required to be submitted.
Ensure all relevant people in the club have completed their Working with Children checks.
Attend to the general administration of the club and stay abreast with happenings;
Liaise with Committee when necessary;
Receive all incoming correspondence and distribute to relevant or all Committee members;
Will be the only person within the club to issue correspondence, with the exception of the Treasurer who may send invoices and payments as needed.
President is involved in most club issues so it is normal that they are included the majority of times;
Respond to correspondence where necessary;
Be aware of information in the club constitution;
Collect postal mail weekly during registration time and during the playing season, fortnightly at other times unless anticipating particular mail;
Attend monthly committee meetings, record minutes, prepare minutes and distribute to Committee members and Life Members within 7 days if possible. Once accepted forward to the Web Administrator for publication;
Prepare agenda for all committee meetings and send to Committee members at least 7 days preceding meeting if possible;
Provide as soon as possible all information relevant to our members to the Web Administrator for publication e.g. upcoming dates (club and league based), general information etc.
Assistance with lead up to registration and throughout where required;
During playing season provide any dates and relevant information to Newsletter Publisher for inclusion;
Vice president tee-ball & Zooka
Carry out general committee work.
Carry out requests of the President.
Shall advise the Secretary on the numbers and names medals/trophies at the end of the season for all MSBC T Ball teams in accordance with the decisions of the committee. Enlist any assistance and support for this duty as required.
Coordinate the T Ball teams in the operations of the team management.
Manage the Aussie T Ball group on a Friday afternoon.
Help arrange gala days and the attendance of our teams at gala days.
Help Team Managers with training of scorers, umpires.
Organise training sessions for both scorers and umpires and any other groups that may be necessary.
Committee members
Attend the monthly meeting.
Assist with the general running of the club.
Carry out such work as required allowing the committee to function.
Undertake individual tasks from time to time.
Be a contact for members and parents and bring their views to the committee.
Collect all registration paperwork.
Arrange in conjunction with the Treasurer to bank all registration fees.
Provide the Treasurer a list of players and payment received. The list is to contain players name, email address, team, amount collected.
Shall produce a spreadsheet listing all registrations for the committee.
Shall enter all registered players into “MY CLUB” database.
Shall assist with the placing of players into teams.
Shall monitor the team in ensure all players have registered prior to starting training or playing.
Shall liaise with the President to ensure all players are placed into a team.
Shall assume the role of player placement after the team placement meeting.
Produce a list of players that have not re-registered for the committee to follow up on.
Shall provide a Team List to the President for issue at the Coaches Meeting of Player in each team the list will contain:
Player Surname
Player First name
Home Phone Number
Mobile Number
Address, Suburb, Post Code
Mother & Fathers Name
Email Address
Grounds Steward
Prior to the start of the season ensure the grounds are in a state suitable for playing.
Arrange with the President deliveries of suitable soils for topdressing etc.
If required arrange a working bee to assist with the diamond preparation.
Prior to the start of game time ensure the equipment is available for collection from the front of the storeroom.
Inform the President of any issues as they arise during the season e.g. equipment not put away correctly or missing.
Ensure that M3 & M4 diamonds are marked out.
Ensure all bins are placed out of the storeroom ready for collection.
Ensure that sponsors banners are placed at the start of every Saturday and packed away at the conclusion of the days play.
League Delegate
Attend the monthly JCC meeting and put forward the ideas concepts of our club.
No vote is to be made till direction from our committee is sought or in the absence of the committee from the President.
Vote at JCC meetings as directed by our club committee or President in the committee’s absence.
Provide our monthly committee meeting with a written report and inform our committee of any relevant matters.
It is to be noted that the opinions expressed at the JCC meetings must be those of our club and not personal views.
Managers co-ordinator
Arrange training of managers as required.
Communicate to managers prior to the start of the season all activities required prior to the season start. This can be done by email, phone or a meeting as deemed appropriate.
Arrange for information to be placed into the sachets each week
Be available for managers to contact if question are needed to be answered.
Be the contact person between the managers and the club.
Communicate information to managers by email & phone as required.
Develop and circulate a roster for canteen duty (if required).
Arrange a timetable for the club photo day in conjunction with the Secretary.
Umpires co-ordinator
Arrange training of umpires as required.
Be available for umpires to contact if assistance is needed, i.e. queries.
Be the contact person between the umpires and the club.
Be aware and comminucate information from Manly Warringah Baseball Umpires.
Social events co-ordinator
Prior to the start of the season ensure the grounds are in a state suitable for playing.
Arrange with the President deliveries of suitable soils for topdressing etc.
If required arrange a working bee to assist with the diamond preparation.
Prior to the start of game time ensure the equipment is available for collection from the front of the storeroom.
Inform the President of any issues as they arise during the season e.g. equipment not put away correctly or missing.
Ensure that M3 & M4 diamonds are marked out.
Ensure all bins are placed out of the storeroom ready for collection.
Ensure that sponsors banners are placed at the start of every Saturday and packed away at the conclusion of the days play.
Member protection
information officer
The Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) plays an important role in the Seasiders Baseball Club. The MPIO can provide any member with information and guidance on any issues they are encountering (whatever the nature) and/or complaints procedures. They are the 'go to' person if you want to discuss any problems. If you wish to contact the Seasiders' MPIO please call Jacqui Rota on 0423 683 230. You can view our Member Protection Policy here