1. Purpose
To define the system for the identification, collection, indexing, access filing, storage, retention period, maintenance and disposal of records.
2. Scope
All records referenced in the 'records' section of procedures, all other records.
3. Definitions
A record provides evidence that the MSBC is conducting its business in accordance with the constitution and the Incorporation Act.
4. Responsibilities
All staff are responsible for filing their records so that they are easy to retrieve.
The club Secretary will be responsible for the filing and maintaining of the clubs records.
5. Procedure
5.1 What are records?
Whilst many documents are generated in the course of business only some of these are records. Records will be maintained if they assist in the running or development of the club, if they are a requirement of the legislation or regulations, or if they are useful in defending the club from litigation. Records demonstrate that the specified requirements were met and that the system was operating effectively.
5.2 An example of Records to be maintained
Personnel Training |
Minutes of meetings and personnel qualifications, internal training records |
Meetings |
Minutes of meetings and issued memos |
Registration |
Registration Forms and Code Of Conducts |
5.3 Identification, filing and access to records
All officers will:
Identify the records to be kept, minutes of management meetings, training records.
Ensure the records are collected;
Ensure the records are indexed and filed;
Ensure that access is controlled to prevent malicious damage and to Protect confidentiality:
Determine the retention time; and,
Then ensure that the records forwarded to the Secretary for storing, maintaining and eventually disposed of.
5.4 Method of filing etc
In deciding on the manner of indexing and filing, the place of storage and the disposition, the following factors should be remembered:
Records must be easily retrievable;
Records must be protected form loss, damage or deterioration, including such factors as temperature, humidity, fire, flood, animals (mice, termites, etc.), magnetic and electric fields, etc.;
Access of records may need to be restricted to ensure confidentiality of records and prevent malicious damage and,
The potential embarrassment or financial damage to the organisation if the record was to become common knowledge.
5.5 Legibility of records
All persons working to a procedure are to generate the records defined there in and are required to make them as legible as possible and to file them where stated in the records register. Alternatively they may be forwarded to the position/function responsible for them.
5.6 Storage of records
Storage will be such that records will be quickly retrievable. Storage areas will be controlled environments, which will minimise deterioration and damage and prevent loss. This is equally important whether the records are paper, electrical or magnetic, CD ROMS, physical samples, or any other form. All records are to be maintained for a period of (7) seven years.
5.7 Operations Manual
This manual will be issued to all committee members either in written or PDF formats. The President and the Secretary shall maintain an editable version in the corresponding formats. Only in consultation between the President, Secretary and the rest of the Executive Committee will Procedures & Forms be altered. In the case of the Constitution, Policies & Procedures from the JCC, MWDBA, BNSW & ABF these can be undated when changed by those bodies without further consultation.
6. Records