1. Purpose
To ensure that all persons comply with the principles of the Child Protection Act and Regulations.
2. Scope
This procedure applies person involved with the club in particular Coaches, Managers, Officer Bearers and Spectators.
3. Responsibilities
The Child Protection Officer shall ensure that the appropriate forms are completed.
The Child Protection Officer shall arrange for a Register of Photographers is located in the canteen.
4. Procedure
At the recommendation and direction of the Australian Sports Commission, Baseball NSW and Junior Competition Committee (JCC) Manly Seasiders has implemented the policy form (JCC) relating to the use of Images of Children.
The policy is now on the JCC's Web site. In general terms the policy is in 2 parts. The first relates to the consent of the children having their photos taken to use those photos on the web site etc, and secondly the policy relates to the people authorised to take these photos.
In most cases, the consent of the children should have conveniently been dealt with in the registration form for each player, where that player has consented to the use of their image in accordance with the policy. In circumstances where it
is sought to use an image that is not in accordance with the policy (e.g. the child's name is to be used or is evident from the photo, like on the back of the playing shirt) the specific consent of the child will be needed.
With regard the approval of the photographers, as the policy is a JCC policy, it relates to all the games played in competitions run by JCC and in which JCC participates. This includes all Club games and finals as well as rep
games. Consequently JCC has already given approval Peter Hammond and Pauline Glynn to take photos of any of the games in which JCC runs or participates in. These 2 people are known to most and no further approval is
necessary for them to take photos at any of these games. However as JCC will not have a representative at each ground each Saturday, and it is envisaged that Mum's and Dad's might want to photograph their children it is necessary
for the Club's to consider and give the approval.
The Club's have a responsibility and a potential liability as well, it is therefore necessary for the Club's to treat this issue seriously whilst not being overly officious. We would therefore recommend the following procedures be implemented.
Team Managers and other officials at games held at your home ground should approach any person who has a camera and appears to be taking photos of the game or players.
If the particular person has been previously approved by your Club, or the person is recognisable as someone who has approval from JCC then no further action is necessary.
Approval of your Club means that the person has agreed to be bound by the terms of the Use of Images of Children Policy.
If the person has not been approved previously, or does not have approval for the particular game or cannot satisfy the Club official that they have Club or JCC approval, and if it is deemed appropriate that the person be approved to take photos, then the person should be asked to sign an acknowledgement to this effect. A suggested form of acknowledgment and approval is attached.
A copy of the Use of Images of Children Policy should be kept on hand at the canteen.
These procedures apply to any person attempting or wishing to take photographs, including, parents, relatives and professional photographers and sports photographers. As an example, the official Club Photographer who attends annually to take all the official team photos will need to acknowledge the policy.
If your particular Club has a particular person who regularly takes photos of games then it is permissible for the Club to give a general approval for all games that the Club plays in, just as JCC has given approval to Peter Hammond and Pauline Glynn.
These guidelines and the policy are intended to protect the rights of the children who play our sport. An infringement of these rights, can lead to abuse and potential liability. It is in the interests of the Clubs, JCC and the sport of Baseball that we implement these guidelines
5. .Records
Form 7.1 Prohibited Employment Form
Form 7.2 Register of Photographers